소웨토 소웨토 영어로
- Soweto
- 소웨토 항쟁: Soweto uprising
- 소월시문학상: Sowol Poetry Prize
- 소월: kim jong shik; well-known korean poet
- 소원해진: separated; estranged; alienate; alienated; on the outs
- 소웰짧은꼬리박쥐: Sowell's short-tailed bat
- 소원하는: hopeful; longing; wishful; desirous
- 소위: 소위 [少尉] (육군) a second lieutenant; (해군) an ensign; a second sublieutenant; (공군) a second lieutenant; a pilot officer.소위 [所爲] one's conduct; an act; a deed; one's doing[work]; what one does.소위 [所謂
- 소원하게 하다: alienate; estrange
- 소위 성직자: politicians; dignitary; dignatary; heads of state